Times-Picayune op-ed page
"I spent some little time in Oregon and in New York City. East and West.
There: Be polite. Don't make eye contact. Don't talk to anyone.
South Louisiana: Be polite. To anyone you pass, make eye contact, give a nod and a smile.
While waiting at the DMV, be polite, enjoy a conversation about gumbo, where to get boiled crabs and all sorts of interesting things.
While 'making groceries,' ask the stock man where something is and continue a conversation about how to make homemade yogurt. He is now a friend to talk to when making groceries [a phrase derived from the French].
No way am I going to live in Oregon or New York."
Jane Lambert
Mandeville, La

Translation for "Where y'at": a West Bank phrase, alternately meaning "Where are you" or "Where you are."
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